Cobra Stretch Pose Or Bhujangasana
Cobra pose or Bhujangasana is a very simple back-bending pose, which anyone can do. It is a prone posture, to be exact. If you have just started training in yoga, then this is the most apt posture for you to practice. It mainly works on the back, stomach, and the spine. Along with these parts, it also positively affects the arms, shoulders, chest, and the pelvic region. In this posture, the upper part of the torso and the neck are lifted. Your body resembles a cobra, in this posture, and hence the name. If you are wondering how this posture will benefit you, you will know it here. The asana practice is said to positively affect the Throat chakra, Heart chakra, Solar Plexus chakra, Root chakra, and the Sacral chakra. Thus, this is an extremely effective posture. Whenever you will practice backbends in a yoga session, then this is most often the first posture. This asana enables you to make a gentle bow shape with your spine, to increase your flexibility. It also increa...